In a video shared on her Instagram page, the actress disclosed that she had been receiving incessant calls and messages from an individual who claimed to possess her nudes.
Lizzy Jay said these threats were intended to coerce her into a negotiation, but she emphasized that she would remain resolute in refusing to succumb to the blackmailer’s demands.
Recalling how her nudes came into the possession of the malicious individual, she explained that she fell seriously ill and had to take antibiotics that triggered severe adverse reactions.
The actress said she had shared pictures and videos of her condition with her doctor, who also happened to be a close friend. The doctor subsequently prescribed medication to address her health issues.
She suspected that the blackmailer gained access to the video by hacking into one of her email accounts, which then allowed them access to her Snapchat account where the video had been recorded.
She said, “I have been receiving calls for some days now from someone who claims he has my nudes. The video in his hands was the video I recorded through Snapchat when I had a reaction to a certain medication and I had rashes all over my body including my private part.
“I couldn’t have a physical examination with my doctor so I made a screenshot of the part I wanted him to see in the video. I sent it and deleted the video immediately. The man trying to blackmail me hacked into one of my email accounts and used it to gain access to my Snapchat.
Determined to take action against this malicious individual, she stated, “I will be visiting the police PRO to make a formal complaint and provide them with every detail and evidence I have connecting to the blackmailer.”
In her caption, she further emphasized, “For the past few days, I have received calls and messages from someone who claims to have my nudes. The calls and comments on my page are aimed at forcing me to a negotiation table to become a victim of blackmail”.
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